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spare ribs中文是什么意思

用"spare ribs"造句"spare ribs"怎么读"spare ribs" in a sentence


  • 排骨


  • Steamed rice with spare ribs or chicken feet stir - fried noodle or rice
  • Mince preserved tangerine peel , add to spare ribs and marinade for 2 hours
  • Charcoal spare ribs
  • Heat oil , add spare ribs , cook till well done . add shredded orange peel and ginger . serve hot
  • Avoid deep - fried and oily foods like french fries , deep - fried chicken , spare ribs , etc
  • Avoid deep - fried and oily foods like french fries , deep - fried chicken , spare ribs , etc
  • Dishes cooked with salty condiments , such as spare ribs with preserved black beans and pork with sauerkraut , should also be selected less often . choose dishes seasoned with natural low - salt condiments like ginger , spring onion , garlic , and onion , etc
  • Dishes cooked with salty condiments like spare ribs with preserved black beans and pork with sauerkraut , should also be selected less often . choose dishes seasoned with natural low - salt condiments like ginger , spring onion , garlic , and onion , etc
    此外,不宜多选以高盐份调味料烹调的食物,如椒盐鲜鱿、豉椒排骨等;多点选以姜、 ? 、蒜、洋?等天然调味料烹调的食物。
  • Dishes cooked with salty condiments like spare ribs with preserved black beans and pork with sauerkraut , should also be selected less often . choose dishes seasoned with natural low - salt condiments like ginger , spring onion , garlic , and onion , etc
    此外,不宜多选以高盐份调味料烹调的食物,如椒盐鲜鱿、豉椒排骨等;多点选以姜、 ? 、蒜、洋?等天然调味料烹调的食物。
用"spare ribs"造句  
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